Monday, September 06, 2004


Two more of the people I know here have been killed,one was the best of us,the other our smile.
They died in a motar attack.And last night my truck broke down,taking away my chance for vengance,for now.Do not worry for me my name means "Suvivor"and that is what I am.One day I will swim in the warm waters of home,but for now I will strike fear and death into all that oppose me and try to take my friends.It is true that I do not see myself as a leader,just a man that goes to do a job and somtimes people come with me.There is a weak side to us all,some are just harder to find than others.Carpe deam' for the night comes for us all.Rage rage against the dying of the light.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Shark,

I'm sorry that you've lost friends. Complicated times. I'm one of those people with mixed thoughts about this war. If you have the inclination, I'd love if you visited my blog (comments or guestbook) again and tell me what your thoughts about the war are - right, wrong, fucked up? I'd really like to know what someone from the inside thinks.


12:17 PM  
Blogger Shark said...

Hey Umaga,I can not find my way back to your blog.Send out a flare. Shark

3:17 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

Here's a flare, but not from Umaga. If you click on his name above his comment, it links to his/her profile, from there you can access his/her blog.

11:01 AM  
Blogger Deadpool said...

As always my friends, do try to be careful. I will not insult you and say that I am prying for you, but you are never out of my thought, except when I sleep. That may be why I am having bad dreams. I wish I was there to lend a hand, they are not desperate enough to conscript us slightly overweight ones, though I am trying to drop the weight and do pull uos everyday. If I can I will see you there soon, maybe even take your place. That is not to say you are replacable, but you have people over here you need to stay around for and they need you just the same. I would gladly take your assignment if that meant you were home and not there dealing with this madness everyday. I deserve hell because I have sinned enough for two lifetimes in this short twenty and four years. But, I would gladly give up all that I am for you and my famliy that is over there. By the by, have you ran across them yet? Look for my mothers last name, his name is Lorenzo L. He is an E4 so you are about the same rank. I don't remember his MOS but you all are never far from my thought. And thank you for being my friend, I will pay you back, and always be there for you.

2:11 AM  
Blogger Shark said...

Maybe that is way we are such a match,you the sinner and me the one who recoupes the sin to save it.No this place,this moment is mine and how I thrive in it!

12:25 PM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

You and Vince are definitely a duo for sure. Ying and yang. Laurel and Hardy. Ozzie and Harriet. Uh, yeah...don't look at me...

1:07 PM  

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