Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Why do people have to be assholes?Why do they think they have a right to down trod others for their beliefs?

If everyone took a little time to be courteous to one another what a good place we would have. No it is like a cry out for attention saying look look I am here look at me. We want is a little piece a sanctum where we can just rest and talk of things calmly and with intelligance not some hide and go seek game of importance.The reason for these blogs is so that we have are own voices here saying what we will and people come to us.Not that we force our views on others,if you want to comment fine if not then go with good graces."Do not push your shit off on me Mister,
I ain't buying!"


Blogger Quilled One said...

I posted on Council and on my blog before I read your recent post...I share much of your view on this.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Deadpool said...

I am sorry Shark for loosing my temper. This is why I can never be a politician, no patience. Please feel free to continue to post and comment there. I was furious when I saw my name posted on the blog comments Love is Lost. I lost it alright, for about 45 minutes. I will continue being courteous to others, and I really need to find Tranquily. I can't ever attain Wisdom if I can't first find Tranquility. I am feeling really small because of my outburst. Sorry.

8:39 PM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

God put assholes on Earth to make things interesting. If you don't believe me, consult the cartoons of the great Larson...

Pizza is good.

10:49 AM  

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