Tuesday, November 09, 2004


We all have something or someone that we rage against. Be it a person or a view of mind,there is always one thing that just gets under your skin and rubs you raw. You bear it or not to your own preference,but it remains. Rage...think about what that means for you,how do you Rage? Do you take it out on the wrong people or things? Do you drink it away or use drugs to sedate it? Do you just give in to it and let it rule you? Or do you control it and make it work for you? "The most dangerous person I ever met was the man who had mastered his rage so that he appeared calm in the most intense situations...he had a focus that you wanted no part of!!" We all have the moments when we must decide to give in or fight it. I know what it is like to feed it,control it and unleash the rage at the proper moment. When you let rage overwhelm you,a part of yourself is lost. Do not be confused as thinking of anger no this transcends anger. I used to go away from everyone and everything I knew to let the rage bled off without hurting those I love,sometimes I would not be quick enough or have control enough. If you can not control the rage do not let it build! It just makes you a walking time bomb looking for a place to explode.


Blogger brainhell said...

You know, but, control can be debilitating.

10:26 PM  
Blogger Shark said...

that is true,yet what are we without it? thoughtless animals,social malcontents,the next guy with a rifle waiting to use the tower?

9:39 PM  
Blogger Shark said...

for some odd reason the type is not visible on the blog but when you go to comment you can read the whole post on the bottom.

10:48 PM  
Blogger Deadpool said...

Trying to control something as dangerous as rage is a very difficult task. You and I both know this, that does not make us wiser than other, just aged. I don't like feeling old. I don't like feeling out of control either, so I never relinquish it, to or upon anyone. Yeah, I am a dick, quite unfortunately my friends. Read my blog more often ad you will understand why I say this. I visit here regularly, you just once again started to post here. That is good, I missed "talking to my friend.

In other news, Quill has left the Council, so has others. i am hurt by this, but understand. I have to find another way to achieve my ultimate goal, what this has taught me is that some will have to be left behind.

12:09 PM  

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