Monday, August 15, 2005


For the past two days I have been discovering the man who is my father. I went to visit my older brother and his family and possibly find my biological father of whom I knew nothing but a name. One internet search and two phone calls later I found my grandfather and was about two hours away from meeting my new/old Dad.I kept saying "It cant be this easy it just cant!" But it was and now I have a whole new life just open up to my eyes,complete with a wonderful set of new parents and a baby sister! Like I told my Dad for the first time in about two years I can feel my heart again! I was not expecting anything like this at all,we both are still trying to cope with finding ourselves in this new place but I am overjoyed at this personal act of God(that is all I can think that made this happen). We are the same with so many of our strenghts and flaws with enough differences to tell that we are our own people but anyone can tell at a glance that we are father and son. We can not redo the last 25 years but we can and will make the best of the next 25 and more.

Monday, August 08, 2005


Here we are now that I have been home for 6 months let me tell you what has happened. I went back to my old job which did not realize where I had gone,getting screwed by old job,can barely make my house payment let alone make it on time. People as a whole do not relize what the hell we went through for the past year and a half. I look forward to my drill dates just hoping to see the faces of those I served with. I find myself wondering when I can go back,for there was a real truth to life over there,you woke up and said"I can die today"and if you made it back to sleep when your day was done you said "I can die tonight" Once you face death and accept that it can happen at anytime or place you will find that you have no limits for what you can accomplish. Every day,every mission I looked death right in the face and said "Try your fucking best asshole I'm ready,lets see who walks away this time!" I AM STILL HERE AND LIVING!!!