Monday, November 28, 2005

Bite #14

It has been a while since my last post,and many things have happened. I still talk to my Dad every morning as I wake up, I still work at a lousy job that does not care about the people that works for it,I have been to counseling for my "anger and marriage" issues. I am still broke and getting deeper in debt,the seed money I had made to restart my life was spent by the second month back state-side. I have friends and family alike ask me how I can stay with my wife after all the shit she pulled,I do it for my sons. I had a plan to move with my family and start fresh,new place new jobs,the works.....I even fixed up my house to get it ready to sell,not an easy task with no money,but I did it......Then at the last moment my wife says she is not going to sell the house!!! We already had put down the earnest money on the new place,and were packing up the non-essentials and I get hit with this. That and a run in with a "boss"
made me decide to seek out counseling. All that did was tell me that yes I was justified to feel the way I was and that I had shown great restraint in my actions. One minute I got everything in my life sorted out and ready to go my way and bang!! Here comes the wreaking ball to knock my feet out from under me as well as the ground I was standing on! Fuck the silver lining I just want to see the cloud!


Blogger nut job said...


I don't know you, but it sounds like you've had a bad time with everything. First of all... I want to say, don't stay with your wife, because of the kids.... It will cause more pain to the kids in the long run (speaking from experience). The reason you should stay with your wife, should be because you love her and want to work things out with her. I'm sure your counselor has told you that.

As for everything else... Remember, all we have is one life to live, so live it to the fullest. If you don't like your job, it never hurts to find another one..

Budda said all life is suffering... what i say is suffering is only what you make it to be.

11:05 AM  
Blogger Deadpool said...

Clouds are a very tricky thing to see my friend. Even the best of us slip right through them. It's only when we emerge from the other side dripping funking wet and freezing do we realize what the hell we have been through.

You should know, you helped pulll me through a few of them. MY TURN!

8:19 AM  

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