Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Why do people have to be assholes?Why do they think they have a right to down trod others for their beliefs?

If everyone took a little time to be courteous to one another what a good place we would have. No it is like a cry out for attention saying look look I am here look at me. We want is a little piece a sanctum where we can just rest and talk of things calmly and with intelligance not some hide and go seek game of importance.The reason for these blogs is so that we have are own voices here saying what we will and people come to us.Not that we force our views on others,if you want to comment fine if not then go with good graces."Do not push your shit off on me Mister,
I ain't buying!"

Thursday, September 09, 2004


There are those that plot against the human race and there are those that wish to save it,the real question is which makes the better sandwiches.Through out history you will find that when someone wants to have the people listen they will give an enncentive like food or money(lobbiests),they will have benefit dinners or formal balls.They will buy your vote with any and all means at thier desposle.And it is called polatics. The weathly stay and make laws and decrees while the poor and mid-class go and fight for them.In this time of coflict there are so many people saying the same things with different words that nobody can honestly say who is right and who is wrong.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


The world goes on despite the efforts of men and madmen.Once more to the brink my friends,once more to laugh in the face of death,once more to smell life on the wind,once more...
This is the end of the world as we know it.. and I feel fine.Of all the thing that I miss I miss my mind the most.Not all who wander are lost.The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.I have a dream.You got mail.

Now out of all of the above which will last into the next century?And be honest.

Monday, September 06, 2004


Two more of the people I know here have been killed,one was the best of us,the other our smile.
They died in a motar attack.And last night my truck broke down,taking away my chance for vengance,for now.Do not worry for me my name means "Suvivor"and that is what I am.One day I will swim in the warm waters of home,but for now I will strike fear and death into all that oppose me and try to take my friends.It is true that I do not see myself as a leader,just a man that goes to do a job and somtimes people come with me.There is a weak side to us all,some are just harder to find than others.Carpe deam' for the night comes for us all.Rage rage against the dying of the light.

Saturday, September 04, 2004


The world is going to Hell and I am driving the bus. That is with me everyday,it is on my gun-truck. It is true,if we as a people can not stick together in front of a common enemy then how are we to survive after the wars of public are done. Socity as a whole is sick and is going to die well before its time. Remember it only takes a moment to be polite,even when robbing someone. Say please and thank you ,and mean it. I have been rude,crude and at times an ass now I am true,I am as I am as I will be.People who have talked to me in person often say that I am not"normal"in the way I think,but what if that is what is needed to just understand what is happening around you ,to see what is hidden in plane sight.